Non-Profit Groups

Whether you need transportation for your Non-Profit Event or you have a local Girl Scout or Boy Scout Troop wanting to take a trip to Niabi Zoo, Modern Woodman Park, or the Bettendorf Children's Museum. We are here to help your event run smoother by providing safe and reliable transportation. We price our trips on an individual basis and pride ourselves in keeping that cost very competitive. Each group has specific wants and needs and we do our very best to make sure all the details are taken care of.

  • Boy Scout or Girl Scout Events or Day Camps
  • Bible School Summer Camps
  • Day Care Field Trips to area venues
  • Church Shuttles and Trips
  • Senior Groups, Trips, and Events
  • Youth Group Lock-Ins
  • Post Prom Events

Call today and get your price quote for your event! 1-800-728-7895 or 309-788-7932

If you need further information concerning donations for your Non-Profit, please contact

We will do our best to try to help support your program, all requests may not be able to be met, but we would like to hear your story. Good luck in planning, we look forward to hearing from you.